Monday, April 28, 2008

How 'bout them apples?

Have you ever noticed that if you find yourself not being able to start a conversation with a person, nine out of ten times you just have to get them to start talking about themselves, then you're good to go and you can sit and pretend to listen (or if you care, actually listen)? Anyway, this is a weird concept to me, and I first noticed it worked when I found myself repeating this action around awkward people I interact with daily. They....don't have social skills. Not that most people do, because most people just talk about themselves.
I don't mind that. I mind when they talk about an ex. Oh my gooooooooodness, I do not want to hear about your ex boyfriend/ girlfriend. I mean, whether it be high school, or a fifty year old, people talk about that wayyyyy toooooo mucccchhhh. If you're heart is broken, I understand that it's all you can think about for awhile. I even think you should have a few days to take off and recollect your self, if you realllly feel that is necessary. But when the deed is done, it's done. And the last thing you should do is talk about it constantly. That's just annoying your friends, and it does annoy most everyone. My suggestion to these lovesick people is always to find one person to complain to. One person to spill all their feelings out to every day, or as often as need be. Then not to bug anyone else about it. Most people don't bug me about this, because most of my close friends are smart enough not to let something like that bother them for very long. The few that aren't that smart do complain, and I listen. I feel that if someone picks you to talk to, whether you want it or not-and I never do- it's still your duty as a human being to help them. Twice. Twice you can tell them what to do. But if they don't listen to you after the second time, then you're off the hook.


me said...

you're too much :)

debby said...

Laura, this was HILARIOUS! I absolutely loved it. Way too funny.

Laura Miller said...
