Saturday, May 17, 2008


I got a job as a hostess at Lonestar Steakhouse. It looks like it'll be fun. I was going to go back to starbucks, but part of me just wanted to try something new. If I don't like it, I may try to go back to Sbux, but so far I think it's pretty cool. I get to wear jeans, which is really cool. I also work with one of my best friends. =]

Speaking of that best friend, we are getting ready for prom together and I'm so excited. =] it's a week from today. Here's a picture of us in the photobooth at the mall in greensboro last december. Ignore my weird faces.


Other than this, nothing much is happening.
Oh, I be graduating in a few weeks. arrrgh.
[me being a pirate]


me said...

can't wait to see pictures from prom :) You'll be beautiful I know. Have a blast!

debby said...

So, where are the prom photos? I saw some on Uncle Patrick's blog, but I want to see yours.