Saturday, July 19, 2008


It's summer so I'm busy. I'm in my 'let's be doing something every second' zone, and maybe that's why I love summer so much. I feel like I can just go on and on, or sleep and sleep...I mean, time really isn't an issue during this season. It isn't my FAVORITE season. I'd have to say autumn is, but I'll mention that when it actually is autumn. I do love summer, though. It's beautiful.

Anyway, the pictures are from an outing with Ramey before we both had to go in to work. The last one was one I thought was really cool. We took a lot of other ones, but they were so boring...I wanted to be in a really cool setting, and the brick buildings downtown make for some of the coolest shots you could imagine. I wound up catching the sunlight just right for the second picture, but I gave it a blue-ish tint and adjusted the contrast/brightness a bit. No major photoshopping, just something to give it an artistic feel.


Anonymous said...

Cool pics! I think you're really pretty.
(It's me, Mom.)

Ash said...

these are great Laura, you're so cute :) keep enjoying your summer!!