Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Sometimes I really love being around people. You learn so much by talking to random people you meet at starbucks, or in wal-mart...but sometimes I look around and I realize how many idiots call our planet earth home. I mean, I don't understand how some people live for a day being so dumb, and how they don't figure out that all of the intelligent people in the world are just making fun of them, or actually in pain because of the stupidity.

I am not the brightest crayon in the box. Nearly every day I do something silly.

I hate when people assume they know something they don't. If you are waiting to be seated at a restaurant, and you yell at the host saying "They were here after us...I can't believe you just sat them!" Then you probably deserve to be yelled at, because guess what? You don't know anything about what's going on "behind the scenes" and there is probably a legitimate reason they were sat before you, or if there isn't...get over it. People make such a big deal out of the littlest things. And you know...I do it, too. It's such a shame that Americans have gotten so impatient. What's the big deal about waiting in a drive-thru for your two dollar McDonald's meal? Basically, I think we should all remember to take time to stop and smell the flowers.

1 comment:

The Family of Logo said...

Nice to see you after such a long, long time! Wish you had a more optimistic post though.

Stupid people are stupid and mean people suck! You rock!