Thursday, October 02, 2008

always coca-cola.

I find Coca-Cola to be beautiful. It's a product rich in history, and let's face it- it's always a nice treat. I imagine that when this carbonated beverage made it's debut, costumers were in awe of the ice cold bubbly drink. It's sharp, sweetly distinct taste never seems to get old.
Whether you're drinking it out of a can, glass bottle, or sucking on a straw in the middle of a restaurant, drinking a cola is always a pleasant experience. It's no wonder that I, like so many Americans, love Coca-Cola, and now you know why.


Gene said...

The Coca-Cola Santa is my all time favorite rendition which was created by Haddon Sundblom starting in 1931.

Patrick Jinks said...

You really keep your blog unique and interesting. Very creative!

debby said...

Laura, I like the fact that your blog doesn't just tell or show what's going on in your life, but you also share a bit about your personality. It helps me feel like I "know" you even though I live clear across the country from you.
Aunt Debby